Dead Book Society: Understanding Classic Literature Together C1-C2


Tired of reading & not understanding? Wondering why Jane Austen is so important? Toni Morrison? Virginia Woolf? F. Scott Fitzgerald? Join the Dead Book Society to finally discover why these authors and their works matter. Born from a need to understand beyond the cover of the book, this course aims to provide new readers of English Classics with the tools to enrich their cultural appetite & learning of English.

Dates: Del 16 de febrer al 10 de maig (30 presencials)
Horari: Divendres de 15.30 a 18.30
Preu: 175 €
Professora: Sara Gómez
Dies de classe presencial: 16, 23 febrer; 8, 15 març; 5, 12, 19, 26 abril; 3, 10 maig.
