KA1 Project (2017-2019)- English version

From July 2017 to June 2019, the EOI Banyoles took part in a European Project Erasmus+ KA1 on the new technologies.

Title: Optimising ICT in the Language Classroom

Length: 01/07/2017 to 30/06/2019

Goals: Our main and most crucial goal is to improve our teachers’ knowledge regarding new tools and ways of managing classes to motivate students to attend classes regularly and to adapt to new times and students’ needs. We also want to promote collaborative work and add an element of socialization. Other goals include encouraging participation and autonomy in the learning process and reducing school dropout rates. On the other hand, another goal is to open the school to Europe. Finally, our last goal for this project is to update the linguistic competence of our teachers.

Teachers taking part in the mobilities:

Susanna Padrosa – English Department

Iolanda Ribot – Headteacher, English Department



Mobility 1: Educational Technology Today – Cambridge, July 2017

A training course on the new technologies, for example, blended learning, flipped classroom, gamification, mobile applications, etc.


To transfer the knowledge acquired, a training course was offered to the colleagues in the school: Familiarization, design, implementation and evaluation of new learning and knowledge technologies (LKT) for the language classroom 1/12/2017 – 16/2/2018 (20 hours). The course covered the following points:
• Educational digital tools.
• Introduction to the methodology of the flipped classroom and gamification in the classroom
• Design and creation of materials experimenting with flipped classroom and/or gamification.


Mobility 2: Structured Educational Visit to Schools / Institutes and Training Seminar in Finland – Helsinki, October 2017

A course that allowed us to visit different Finnish schools, understand why their education system is renowned for its quality; and provided us with new contacts at an international level for future projects.




To transfer the knowledge acquired and experience of the visits, an informative session was organized in the school: Educational Visit in Finland, 18/10/2017.

Mobility 3: IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) Conference –  Brighton, April 2018

The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) holds an annual international conference for English teachers in the United Kingdom.
More than 3,000 professionals from around the world attend the conference where the latest developments in the world of teaching English as a foreign language are presented and where it is possible to network with other European teachers and schools. It is also a meeting point to share knowledge and experiences.




The knowledge acquired and the information collected about the latest developments were transferred to the rest of the school teaching staff in the session IATEFL Conference 2018 Brighton on 11/1/2019.


In addition, as part of the dissemination of this Erasmus+ project, we participated in a seminar that took place at CESIRE in Barcelona to exchange training experiences in the EOIs.