Conversa en anglès

Conversa en anglès

Imma Ramirez -
Erantzun kopurua: 5

Bona tarda, 

Actualment estic cursant 4rt EOI i necessito un reforç en conversa, per aquesta raó necessitaria una persona o bé nadiu o bé que tingui molta fluidesa.

Moltes gràcies, 



Imma Ramirez(e)ri erantzunda

Re: Conversa en anglès

Helen Gill -
Hola Imma

Soy Helen, hablante nativa d´ingles y estudiante de 3º español. Me gustaría practicar español y estaría muy contenta de hablar en inglés contigo. ¿Qué piensas?

Helen Gill(e)ri erantzunda

Re: Conversa en anglès


Hey Helen!

I am native in spanish and I would like to practise my speaking skills in english because soon I will take an exam. My english level is C1.

Just let me know if you are interested! ;)

SORAYA MARTÍN GARCÍA(e)ri erantzunda

Re: Conversa en anglès

Helen Gill -
OK Soraya, let´s see if we can arrange something. My email is By the way, just how soon is your exam ...?

Imma Ramirez(e)ri erantzunda

Re: Conversa en anglès

Carlos humberto Hurtado jaramillo -

Hi Imma and other English students.

I am an student on the 4 level like you, ... I am meeting with other classmates every friday at 5 pm.  The aim is improve our techniques to think (avoid to translate in our brain from spanish or Catalan to English) and express ideas.  The meeting dont have any specific program, we only talk in a relaxing way.  Who wants to come with us to practice is welcome. Mi telephone number is 677814923 (Wattsapp).
