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4 Ways To Be Really Rude While Instant Messaging
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OK, some of you girls on these dating sites have no sense of Instant Messaging (IM) etiquette. First of all, let me say that these rules only apply when you're already having a conversation with someone. You're not a bitch if you don't reply in the first place or if we've just started talking. But once we're having a conversation, you can be a moron by following these four simple rules.
Run an errand between every message
Nothing pisses me off more than having a conversation with someone that seems to be running an errand between everything they say. In other words, you have a 5-20 minute delay between every thing you say. If you're doing that to someone without letting them know that you'll be slow to respond, you're an asshole. It's called instant messaging for a reason. Don't treat it like email. Also, if we're having a conversation and you decide to watch a movie right in the middle of it, let me know that you'll be back later.
Log off without saying goodbye
When you log off of IM in the middle of a conversation, it's like a slap in the face. That's the type of thing you do to someone you hate when you're in the middle of a fight, not a friend or even someone you just met. It shows a total lack of respect, like they aren't even worth the time to say it or they're so insignificant that you forgot you were even talking to them. If you do this, you're even more of an asshole if you don't acknowledge it the next time we start talking.
Force me to talk to you
Sometimes I'm busy, or I have nothing to say, or you're typing too slow, or I want to play a video game, or whatever. It doesn't really matter. If I say, "I gotta go", don't beg me to stay on or try to make me feel guilty for leaving.
Have nothing to say
I don't mind carrying the conversation at first. But, if I have to do it for 30 minutes straight, you either don't know how a conversation works, you've got a shitty personality, or you're wasting my time because you're not very interested. Here's some helpful tips that I'm embarrassed I have to say in the first place.
- Ask some questions. It shows you're actually interested in the guy and you won't be a boring date. "What do you do? Do you have any brothers or sisters? What's your favorite band?" It's not hard.
- OK, I admit, there are crappy questions and I sometimes ask them. These are questions with short answers that don't require elaboration. For example, "What do you do? Do you have any brothers or sisters? What's your favorite band?" These are all crappy questions because they allow you to give short answers that make the conversation hit a dead end. For example, you could answer, "nurse, yes, Fuel" to all of these questions, but you shouldn't. Perhaps a better answer to the first one would be, "I'm a registered nurse. I love it because I get to work with interesting people every day, for example, yesterday this weird guy..." and so on. Elaborate on your answers even if you don't need to.
- Don't be boring. It's kind of subjective, but here's an example. "What type of music do you like?", "Everything".